Friday, May 11, 2012

Watch Your Weight!

So, it's been a while! Just checking in to say hey and catch up a bit...

No really big news to share other than it's two weeks tomorrow that Brad leaves for his month-long hike. It's unbelievable how fast the time goes!
My sister who lives in KSA is now in New Zealand. They are on a trip for my brother-in-law's work. Should be fun. It will be just coming on fall in N.Z. but the weather should still be nice and at least they'll be able to have a glass of wine with dinner!
Me, well, I joined Weight Watchers about 2 months ago! Yes! Can you believe it? Me? In Weight Watchers!? But it works (just ask Jennifer Hudson!) So far, I have lost 16.4 lb.! I joined after I saw that my friend Shaun had lost 10 lb. in just 3 weeks. That did it for me. I knew that I had to lose some pounds, but Shaun's success convinvced me that WW was they way to go. I actually enjoy going to the weekly meetings and weigh-ins. It keeps you honest and makes you accountable. So far so good! I want to lose another 13 pounds, so I am more than half way there. With a family wedding coming up in early August, I am totally pumped! I look better, and more importantly, I feel better!

Losing weight is also better for your blood pressure and cholesterol. I'm going to schedule an appointment with my doc to go over the results of recent blood work and other tests. I want a new baseline that is reflective of my new me!

Here's to the return of a skinner Jeff and possibly more skinny Saturdays!


Maurice said...

Holy crap, 16 pounds! Congrats! I'm only down 5 pounds in 3 weeks, but that could be because I'm not exactly known for getting off my fat ass. However, if I could only loose 12 or 13 more, I'll be back in the acceptable BMI range. I bet you'll reach your goal before I do, so good on you! :)

Jeff said...

Thanks, Maurice! And good luck to you too!