Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How low can they go?

Michael Phelps' trunks, that is... Not that I'm complaining, mind.


Mark in DE said...

I'm not complainin' either, but I think I'd feel uncomfortable if it were me.

Joy said...

I know! It looks as if they'd be gone if he stretched, much less swam in them.

Jeff said...

I'm wondering, does his grandma go to his swim meets? :)

Anonymous said...

What happened to mr. phelps' ass...he does not appear to have one?

Jeff said...

LOL! I'm guessing a crack would be plainly visible were he to turn around!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but i am talking about more than a "crack" i am talking about a meaty athletic ass!...

Jeff said...

LOL! Touché. But I likes it when you talk like that, Mojito!