Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The saddest song I've got

In other news, my mother continues to drive me around the bend. She is completely obsessing and fixating on her bowels, despite the undenyable fact that they are working fine. She no longer listens to reason when it comes to that topic. My words go in one ear and out the other. She's convinced herself that she has bowel cancer and that's all there is to it. She talked the workers at the home into sending her here by ambulance yesterday - they don't know what else to do with her either. I told her I wasn't going up to the hospital and I didn't. I had seen her the day before and she was fine. I called her number at the home this morning and she answered. Probably the worst case scenario - she laid around on a gurney until they sent to back to the home in the ambulance around 1:00 a.m., without, of course, her seeing a doctor. Hence, she'll no doubt go through the same procedure in a few days time. It's very very sad and frustrating. The last year of my life has revolved around trying to make her happy and I've come to the realization that she probably never will be.

This song is for her. I don't like the graphics so much, but it was the best recording I could find on YouTube:


Mark in DE said...

Oh, so sorry to hear this. Being a caregiver (either physically or emotionally) is quite draining. I hope you and your mother are both able to find peace soon. Know that you are in other's thoughts.

Mark :-)

Jeff said...

Thanks very much, Mark. Your kind words mean a lot!