Wednesday One-Liners Don't Know How to Quit You
Tough guy on cell: Yeah, I was at the gay bah. It was two for ones. Whaddayou gonna do? Two for ones!
--Houston & Avenue A
Homeless man in subway station: Gay sex was invented to avoid child support.
--53rd St Subway Station
Overheard by: Billy
Woman on cell: Let me tell you something about this new generation of guys in New York: All gay.
--W 31st & Broadway
Overheard by: A passing gay man
Woman to husband: Not just a gay, but a heroin sheep gay.
--Broadway & 8th
Overheard by: TR
Cop to drunk: Who cares if you're gay? That doesn't give you the right to climb the fire escape.
--W 20th
via Overheard in New York, Jan 7, 2009
A heroin sheep gay?
Oh, and file this under "it had to happen." We are now very good friends with grandparents! Can you believe it?? I have to admit I am kind of struggling with this one! Just kidding. The daughter of our great friends Shaun and Mary gave birth yesterday to a healthy and happy baby boy! Congrats to all! And note, Shaun and Mary got married and started their own family when they were very young, that's why they are still very young, even though we now get to call them grammy and grampy!
Grammy and Grampy? That's cute. What do they get to call you? :)
And we love those one-liners. Thanks for your comment, by the way. We're glad to hear that more people share our sentimets.
Well, I hadn't thought about that, Jim, but as long as they don't call us to change diapers, it'll all be good :)
I'm still struggling with the thought that one of my own brothers is four times a grandfather...
Heroine sheep gay = heroine chic gay.
Remember when the modeling industry went under fire for all the tragically thin models? It was rumored they were so thin because they didn't eat at all, but were constantly strung out on heroine, and the phrase "heroine chic" was coined.
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