Thursday, May 01, 2008

Water water everywhere...

It's that time of the year - spring flood season. We live along the mighty St. John River which, with recent rain and snowmelt, is overflowing its banks. Many homes and businesses in low-lying areas have been innundated. The river is expected to crest today and then gradually recede. Thankfully Brad and I have not been affected and the sun is forecast to shine for the next 5 days. Here are some pics Brad took this morning:


Anonymous said...

And I thought only fishermen could canoe to work.

Good Luck

Jeff said...

Thanks, Trevor! Good to see you here, btw :-)

Thankfully, for us, it's business as usual, but I really feel for those who have been flooded and whose electricty has been shut off. Two of my siblings have cottages on a nearby lake, and they could be flooded by the weekend... We're keeping our fingers crossed that they won't be.

Anonymous said...

Although work is shutdown I had to go downtown to an appointment, it's pretty surreal looking. Stay dry, PCJL

Mark in DE said...

OMG, it looks like New Orleans after the levees broke! How sad. There are some lovely Victorians in these photos.

Mark :-)