Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So it started with the deck, scraping it as you might recall. That was finally finished on the weekend (No thanks to me, according to Brad! Yes, you might detect a whiff of domestic discord there, but we've worked through that, literally!). On Monday night, we cleaned up the basement. Ours is an unfinished space (rock wall foundation, cement floor) that we have used over the years to store a lot of junk and clutter, unused Christmas gifts and the like (honestly, does ANYONE actually use an electric plate warmer??). It also doubles as my dungeon, where the main torture implement is the stationary bike. In any case, it was in need of a major clean up, and we took at least 6 or 7 garbage bags out to the garage awaiting Friday's pick-up.

When that stuff is gone, we have to start cleaning up the garage. We've ordered 3 cord of wood, you see, and hope to be able to stack most of it in the garage, away from the elements. Initially, we were only going to get 1 cord, but the person we're buying it from mostly sells it in 3-cord loads, and charges a lot more to deliver just 1 cord.

Last night, we primed the deck, well, the railing portion of it, anyway. Tonight will be the real paint, and hopefully we'll get most of the railing done. Then will come the floor portion... With any luck, we'll be finished with the deck by this weekend (when we HAVE to have a few neighbours over to prove that we have not turned completely anti-social.).

And all the while, I should be picking raspberries (Yes, it's raspberry season here!!), watching Coronation Street, or Big Brother... I actually caught Brad watching BB last night! A show he claims to detest! I hope this version is better that the one they had on during the winter. All of those housemates were despicable and even I couldn't bring myself to watch it.

Have a good Wednesday!

1 comment:

Mark in DE said...

Congrats on accomplishing the home projects. How about some photos of the re-finished deck?

Mark :-)